Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our smart girl!

On August 6th we went for our routine doctors appointment at 28 weeks.  I was particularly excited for this appointment because we would finally get to have another ultrasound!  We had so many ultrasounds in the beginning because of the bleed, but once it cleared up we went back to a "normal" schedule...so it had been months since the last one!  I really wanted to see her pretty face again! 
28 weeks!

The ultrasound went well.  We asked about her heart and her brain.  We asked about all the markers we read on-line for different syndromes (the feet, femur, nose, etc.)  and they said everything looked normal.  However, Makenna was laying in the transverse position instead of head down.  This wasn't a surprise because just looking at my stomach you could literally see a big round bulge on my lower left side (her bottom) and a big round bulge on my right side (her head).  She had been camped out in this position for weeks and let me tell you -- it is VERY uncomfortable!  Although, aside from being uncomfortable it also made it impossible for the ultrasound tech to see where her cord was inserted.  Apparently the placenta is implanted low (normally it is higher and in the middle) and Makenna was hiding it with her body.  So even though she was pretty sure everything was fine, she wanted me to see a high-risk doctor anyway just to be sure we wouldn't have vasa previa or cord prolapse during delivery.

We were very thankful to have a doctor that was so thorough, but we became very nervous that something else might be wrong.  The cord is a very important part of her body right now.  Having it rupture or deliver first could be deadly.  Especially at our small town hospital that doesn't have a NICU! 

So even though we were pretty confident that everything would be okay, we still couldn't help but worry as we began our week long wait to see the high-risk doctor. 

In the meantime I prayed that the doctor would be able to see what he needed to see and that everything would turn out okay in the end.

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