Sunday, November 10, 2013

All About Makenna: 1 Month Update

It is amazing to think that our sweet baby girl is already 1 month old!

This month has been full of medical milestones for her, which you can read all about in other entries, but despite being sedated and critically ill for most of the month, she has also experienced normal baby milestones as well!  It is so fun to see her little personality begin to emerge! 

Let's start with the basics -- Makenna Claire is currently 7lbs 3oz and 21 inches long.  This puts her in roughly the 2nd percentile for weight and the 50th percentile for height.  She is a long and skinny little girl, in fact even at a month old newborn clothes are still big on her and she is still in newborn diapers!  We have been working on weight gain lately, so she is currently getting 52cc's of breast milk through a tube in her nose every 3 hours. Hopefully soon she will get a little bit of chub on her bones!

Physically she has a head full of straight dark brown hair and beautiful slate grey eyes.  For the longest time she looked just like me; however, once the ventilator was removed we discovered that she has her daddies mouth!  It is fun seeing a little bit of both of us hidden inside the beautiful and unique little girl we created!

As you might have guessed Makenna is a very strong, feisty, and somewhat dramatic little girl.  She doesn't like being awakened for hands-on time and definitely lets the nurses know.  She is known as the baby you do not want to wake and several nurses have been known to "skip" hands-on time to let the princess sleep.  We don't mind though because sleep allows her body use all of its energy for healing!  Makenna also dislikes getting her blood pressure taken and having dirty diapers.  Sometimes it feels as though we change her diaper every hour because even the slightest bit of moisture causes her to throw a fit.  On the other hand, she really loves her pacy and is uses it to practice her sucking reflex and to self-soothe).  She also likes watching YouTube videos on our cell phones and listening to us read books.  It is so cute to see her eyes get huge eyes fixate on the images in book or on the screen.  Another one of her favorite things is the mobile one of the nurses put on her crib.  It plays the song "Ode to Joy" and she absolutely loves it.  She will watch her animals spin for a really long time and enjoys listening to the music play when she is falling asleep.  Speaking of sleep,  she has been giving us lots of little smiles while she sleeps!  I think real smiles aren't to far away!

Her first month has been full if challenges and triumphs.  She has already experienced so much and is going to have an amazing story to tell.  I know everyone feels their baby is a miracle, but this little girl gives the word miracle a whole new meaning!  I love my miracle more than words can describe and I am so thankful and blessed to have such an inspirational little girl in my life.  I still look at her everyday awestruck by the fact that she's mine!

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