Monday, October 7, 2013

Makenna's Room

The last two weeks have been spent getting ready to head out of town.  The three main things on my to-do list were

1.  Pack  
2.  Finish Makenna's room
3.  Cook freezer meals

(Rex took control of the logistical aspects of leaving town for so long -- i.e. making sure the alarm system was working correctly, disconnecting cable/internet, paying bills in advance, etc.)

It took a lot of work getting everything ready, especially since my energy level was 0 and my massive belly seemed to make even the simplest tasks seem huge.

In the end everything came together:
I made 12 different freezer meals, which ended up creating enough food for Rex and I to both have 50 meals!  We are bringing half of it with us to Gainesville and leaving half at home for when we get back.   It will be nice to have "homecooked" food while we are away!

The meals I made were:  Lasagna, baked ziti, beef stew, enchiladas, taco soup, chili,
chicken cacciatore, fajitas, spare ribs, honey garlic chicken, black bean jerk chicken, and breaded chicken.

Her nursery is also pretty much finished.  I just love how it all came together!


We painted the knobs for the changing table pink, but still have to attach them.  We also need to finish making the cushion for the bench under the window.   Also, my dad made the mirror for her!!

This is what you see when you first walk in the room.

We also spent time cleaning out the guestroom (which had become a huge catch-all).  I decided to turn it into a fun little reading/playroom for her. 


Makenna’s delivery was scheduled for the 21st, so on the 7th we packed up the car and said good-bye to our house.  It was so bizarre pulling out of the driveway knowing that when we returned our lives would be forever changed. 



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