Monday, September 30, 2013


Until recently I didn't know about "polyhydramnios," but now I definitely do.  Polyhydramnios means that there is too much amniotic fluid.  Basically the baby is supposed to swallow the fluid and help regulate their environment, although because of Makenna's obstruction, she isn't able to do this effectively.  Leaving me with polyhydramnios, which is fairly common in babies with lung defects. With so much fluid unfortunately comes more weight gain and larger belly measurements.  In my case, instead of measuring 35 weeks pregnant, I currently measure 42 weeks pregnant.  So basically my belly is HUGE and I am getting to experience what it feels like to be VERY pregnant for much longer than average.   It is definitely not comfortable having so much extra weight on your body and it impacts my ability to breathe, eat, walk, and sleep--it can also cause several scary issues to arise.

Another thing that adds further discomfort to this pregnancy is the fact that I have a heart-shaped uterus (technically called bicornuate), which means that there is a slight divide down the center and Makenna is forced to stay on one side all the time.  As she gets bigger my stomach is becoming more and more lopsided!  I have this giant bump on my left side (her head and feet) and another giant bump under my right ribcage (her bottom).  This causes the skin to stretch even more than normal in those spots, which burns like crazy.  BUT on the bright side, only 3 more weeks!

So lopsided!

Up until this week, I was definitely dreading being this pregnant and this uncomfortable so far from the comforts of home.  I didn't want to leave Sadie behind for 6+ weeks and I didn't want to move from place to place while down there (which would happen with the Ronald McDonald House and hotels, since neither could guarantee accommodations the entire time, esp. since it will be football season in Gatorville).  I also didn't want to live out of suitcases for the entire trip while eating fast food at every meal.  Rex and I both wanted a place where we could unpack, cook food, be with Sadie, have privacy, and be comfortable while we were down there.  Yes, I know that is asking a lot, but we have been though a lot and little things like having Sadie or eating real (non-restaurant) food make us feel more comfortable.  Given the difficult times we have been though and the even more difficult times to come, we definitely want/need those little comforts and a quiet/private place to escape at the end of the day. 

We looked and looked, but couldn't find anything to meet our criteria.  Then---miraculously as if sent from God another CDH mom, whose little girl was also treated by Dr. Kays, found my blog!  She contacted me and as we were talking she mentioned where her family stayed during their visit!  We called the apartment complex and sure enough they had one vacant, fully-furnished, two-bedroom apartment available- we could rent by the month and they allowed dogs!  Best of all, it cost the same a night as the rundown Days Inn Motel, but offers so much more!  Our prayers had been answered and it was such a relief!

Another huge blessing this week came from my incredible school!  Even though I am not there this year, my amazing colleagues held a fundraiser for Makenna.  They paid money to wear turquoise in honor of CDH and our sweet baby.  I always knew I worked with incredible people, but I seriously can't get over their huge hearts and generosity.  Knowing they are praying and supporting us during this hard time makes me so proud and thankful to be a part of the school family.  I hope I can one day return the favor.

Thank you again for all of your love, support, and prayers.  I know we have each of you to thank for the blessings that are surrounding us every day.   Makenna will be here in 3 weeks (on Oct. 21st) and I can't wait to introduce our sweet little miracle to all of you!!


  1. Hi Olivia,
    I found your blog through the forums on TpT and have been drawn to your story as I too am pregnant and our daughter (#2) is due just a few weeks after yours on November 4th. I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you and your family for the best possible outcome. I know it can't be easy but I really admire your strength through this pregnancy. You make me stop and think and thank God for this gift instead of complaining about the aches and pains of pregnancy. I realize now I have NOTHING to complain about when I hear what you have gone through. Hang in there!


  2. This is from Ann Leffard - Beautifully written Olivia! I have been following your blog via your mommy's Facebook - then it occurred to me that I have a blog and I can sign in and comment! ha! But mine is not so well-written as yours. I'm so excited that your blog has led someone to help you, Rex and Makenna have a home away from home in Gainesville. I wish you all the very best as you embark on your journey as a family. With so much love binding you together, you will prevail. Makenna is quite the little teacher, isn't she? We are all learning so much from her.
