Friday, September 13, 2013

Normal Stuff!

After several weeks of worrying we now have answers and are able to focus on "normal" first time parent stuff!  This is good because even though we won't have her for another 6 weeks and won't bring her home for about 10, we only have 3 weeks to finish her room, finish some house projects, get packed for a 6 week trip, and purchase everything we need!  With everything that was going on having a baby shower was pushed to the back burner, so without a shower, we need to pick out and purchase pretty much everything ourselves.  It has actually been really fun, but can be quite expensive and overwhelming as well!  Babies need a lot of stuff (or at least our modern day society thinks they do!).

Having worked in daycares and infant rooms for 12 years I have a pretty good idea as to what we realistically need to function day to day (not much!), but it is easy to fall into the trap of getting "wants" because they are cute or getting things that will just make life with a baby "that much easier" (and there is nothing wrong with that!).  However, because we are both so practical and thrifty we decided to make a list of everything we needed using less expensive brands and then add our wants to the bottom.  Next we went on-line and found the price of each item, we added them up, took off 20% and that was our budget. 

Now I am on a mission to get the same items in the high-quality brands I want for 20% less than the basic brands asking price!  I love coupons, I love sales, and I love saving money, so this mission has been a very fun distraction from everything. 

So far we are doing really well and finding great deals.

Here are a few of our finds!
New Keyfit 30 travel system normally $349, we paid $193 (+ free shipping!)
New Petunia Ergo Carrier normally $145, we paid $65
New wooden highchair normally $220, we paid $150 (free shipping and received $30 Kohls cash!)
6 packs of honest company diapers and 4 packs of wipes - normally $120, we paid $42 (+ free shipping)

It is amazing how much money you can save if you actually take the time to try!  I challenge you to do the same!  :-)
Makenna Update: 
Had an appointment yesterday and got to see THIS adorable little face!  She is now 33 weeks and 5 pounds.  She was so active the ultrasound tech was literally having to chase her around with the wand to get anything accomplished.  Another tech that can't get over how spunky she is!  LOVE IT!  <3 

She is also obsessed with holding her feet and putting her hands in her mouth.  She is doing this during every ultrasound so even after 15+ ultrasounds her hands are still considered "suboptimal" on the official report, simply due to the fact they have never been able to see that they are "normal."  I'm guessing her hands are as perfect as she is! 


I now also have to spend 30 minutes-1 hour each week hooked up to the non-stress test monitor.  This monitors her heart rate and determines if I am having any contractions.  It is actually kind of fun just sitting back and listening to her heart...but the band is SO itchy.  

Her heartbeat was wonderful and no contractions!

That is all for now...hopefully we can get her nursery all finished soon and the next update will be a tour of her room!  :-)

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