Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Position: Variable

It's really no secret that Makenna is going to be a very sick little girl when she is born.  I have weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) appointments that make this fact impossible to ignore.  Between my regular OB, the two high risk doctors (one here and one in Gainesville), various ultrasound techs, the genetic counselors, the CDH coordinator, and the pediatric surgeon we talk about her organs, fluids, genes, and chromosomes a lot--but one thing they never talk about is Makenna.  The conversations are always about her liver, her heart, her bowels, her organs....but never just her!

Until yesterday!   

Yesterday's appointment was great.  It just felt normal and right now normal feels so amazing.  All morning I kept telling Makenna she had to face forward because I wanted to see her face on the ultrasound.  For the last several we've done she's always looking towards my spine in the transverse position or hiding her face under my ribs in the breech position.  This doesn't allow us to see much more than an "ear" shot or slight profile.  Rex and I definitely wanted more than that this time, so I begged her to get out of the breech position and let us take pictures. 

Wouldn't you know it, my smart girl listened!  While we were in the waiting room I literally felt my whole stomach shift and BOOM Makenna was head down!  Amazing.  When it was finally our turn we went in and I expected it to be like the last several appointments where they would focus on her bowels, heart, and everything that is going so wrong.  The tech placed the wand on my belly and immediately began looking for Makenna's CDH.  She hadn't seen it yet and wanted to assess the situation herself.  She found the top of her head and moved down kind of quickly towards her stomach and then suddenly shot back up towards her head.  She announced "Wow! Look at that beautiful face!!  Does she have a name yet??"  We told her the name and she pointed out how cute Makenna's adorable full lips are and kept saying over and over again what a pretty little baby she was.  She didn't take CDH measurements, instead took a ton of pictures of our baby.  Not our babies organs...but our baby!  The whole time she took pictures she kept saying how cute it was that she was playing with her feet, opening her eyes, and even pointed out that Makenna already has a head full of hair!  Next she took measurements of the things that really matter, no not her CDH or her lungs, but of her feet (a perfect 3 inches!), her body (a perfect 32 weeks!), and her weight (3 lb. 13 oz--again a perfect 32 weeks!).  She then confirmed what we already knew by announcing that Makenna was - PERFECT!

Once she took about 25+ pictures of our adorable little girl she began doing what she was suppose to do, but unlike the other techs, she actually walked us through everything.  She showed us on the screen roughly where the hole was and pointed out the organs that had gone through the hole - then BOOM.  We watched on the screen as Makenna did another flip and was back in the breech position.  At least she humored my request long enough to get the pictures!  Once she was finished the tech asked for my phone.  She said the pictures were so cute she wanted us to have some of them in "color" (rather than just grayscale).  I don't think she did it on purpose, I think it is just her sweet personality, but it really meant a lot to us that the tech focused on Makenna and not her defect. 

As she filled out her form all about Makenna she got to the "Position" field and instead of typing breech or head down, she typed "variable."  She said Makenna is probably going to be a very spunky little girl because she still changes positions so often (at least 5 times a day), while by 32 weeks most babies have found a position and pretty much stay in it!   This made me happy.  I love spunky.  As a teacher I often request students with huge spunky personalities --- if my child ends up exactly like Punky Brewster or Pipi Longstocking I will be a happy camper.  

After our appointment we celebrated our perfect baby girl with Applebee's and ended the night snuggled in bed with Sadie, watching and feeling my spunky baby bump as she reacted to a yummy chocolate desert and few sips of Rex's hot cocoa. 


  1. Wow, such a beautiful baby! Those ultrasound pictures are amazing!! I found your post on TPT that had your blog URL on it. I'd been thinking about you, wondering how Makenna was doing. It won't be long now, you'll be able to hold your sweet baby in your arms!

    Crayonbox Learning
